Regional Office
220 NW Lyman Road #8729
Topeka, KS 66608
United States
Irrigation and Water Use
Regional Irrigation Assessments and Crop Water Use
- 2015 Irrigation Information (May 28, 2015)
Colorado Irrigation
Colorado's Arkansas Valley Irrigation
Estimated Irrigation Water Supply
Use of any of this information is voluntary. Producers who choose not to use the estimated water deliveries by canal may continue to use the producer documentation tool for their documentation needs for crop insurance or other program purposes. Producers choosing not to use any of this information may work individually with their insurance provider to document their planting decisions. For more information, please use the contact information below.
Limited Irrigation
- How to Request Limited Irrigation Coverage by Written Agreement (Updated May 2022)
- Limited Irrigation Yield Estimate Application (Updated May 2022)
- Why Limited Irrigation? (Updated May 2022)
Planting Dates
- Initial planting dates: 2018
- Final planting dates: 2019 | 2018
- Please view RMA's Information Tools page for additional information related to crop specific dates, maps, and tools.
- Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) and Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR)
- Wildfires and Crop Insurance – The Topeka Region – Spring 2022
- Goshen Gering-Ft Laramie Irrigation Tunnel Collapse and Crop Insurance - 2022 Crop Year
- Agent Compensation - Schemes or Devices
- Revised Premium Ratings for Corn and Soybeans
- Salvage Markets - August 10, 2023
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - March 16, 2023
- Following Another Crop Blanket Written Agreement (Standardized Written Agreement) Details for the Topeka Region - January 18, 2023
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - July 8, 2022
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - April 1, 2022
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - March 4, 2022
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - March 4, 2022
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri Updated - October 29, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri Updated - September 24, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - September 3, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - September 3, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nebraska - September 3, 2021
- Salvage Markets - July 7, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - June 17, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri CORRECTED - May 13, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - May 6, 2021
- Updated Actuarial Offers for Repaired Levees in Missouri - May 6, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - April 30, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - March 12, 2021
- 2021 Crop Year Following Another Crop (FAC) and Not Following Another Crop (NFAC) Practices and Irrigated Highest Yielding Practice Designation in 29 Counties in Kansas - February 10, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri CORRECTED - January 26, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - January 22, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - January 22, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nebraska - January 22, 2021
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri UPDATED - November 6, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas UPDATED - November 6, 2020
- Updated Actuarial Offers for Repaired Levees in Missouri - October 9, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas UPDATED - October 2, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri UPDATED - October 2, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri UPDATED - September 18, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nebraska UPDATED - September 18, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas - September 4, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri - September 4, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nebraska - September 4, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Missouri UPDATED - August 28, 2020
- Updated Actuarial Offers for Repaired Levees in Missouri UPDATED - August 14, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Kansas UPDATED - April 24, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nebraska UPDATED - April 24, 2020
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Atchison, Buchanan, Holt, Lincoln, Platte, Pike, St. Charles, and St. Louis counties in Missouri UPDATED - September 30, 2019
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Nemaha, Otoe, and Sarpy counties in Nebraska - September 18, 2019
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Atchison, Doniphan, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte, Kansas - September 8, 2019
- Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Franklin County, Missouri - March 19, 2019
- Crop Year 2019 Supplement to Written Agreement Handbook for Sesame in Kansas - February 5, 2019
- Salvage Markets - September 12, 2018
Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Franklin, Gasconade, Osage, St. Charles, Ste. Genevieve and Warren Counties, Missouri - March 30, 2018
Actuarial Rates Resulting from Breached Levees in Franklin, Gasconade, Osage, St. Charles, Ste. Genevieve and Warren Counties, Missouri - March 14, 2018