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Product Management Bulletin-PM-20-039

All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
Richard H. Flournoy, Deputy Administrator
Pulse Crop Revenue 508(h) Expansion Effective for the 2021 and Succeeding Crop Years

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors approved changes to the Pulse Crop Revenue program which includes the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement (DBRE) and Dry Pea Revenue Endorsement (DPRE), under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, on May 21, 2020.

The following changes are applicable for the 2021 and succeeding crop years:

  • DPRE – Add 2 dry pea types (Small Kabuli Chickpeas and Large Kabuli Chickpeas) in Emmons County, North Dakota; and
  • DBRE – Add 4 dry bean types (Black, Dark Red Kidney, Navy, and Pinto) to two new counties (Clearwater and Goodhue) in Minnesota.

The actuarial offers will be available in the Actuarial Information Browser by the applicable contract change date on the RMA website at

Approved Insurance Providers should advise producers of the expanded county crop program for the 2021 crop year. DISPOSAL DATE: December 31, 2020