Crops Insured Acres
Total Acres
Percent Insured
Alfalfa Seed
4,636  8,215  56%
 Barley  35,985 61,239  59%
 Corn 63,912 85,746  75%
 Dry Beans 24,293  26,324  92%
 Forage Production 75,643  346,801  22%
 Forage Seeding  2,305  35,000  7%
 Millet  2,560  20,520  12%
 Oats 2,879 19,682 15%
 Potatoes  477 543  88%
 Sugar Beets 26,431  31,996   83%
 Sunflowers 7,141 8,007  89%
 Wheat  109,170  121,100  90%
 Totals:  355,432 765,173  46%
 Crop Pilots Programs
 Program County Availability
Total Liability
 Alfalfa Seed (Actual Production History)  Big Horn and Park  $4,224,967
 Apiculture (Rainfall Index)  All Counties  $445,988
 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index)  All Counties $52,538,533
 Whole Farm Revenue Protection  All Counties $4,368,622
 Dollar Liability Program
Total Dollar Liability
Livestock Gross Margin - Cattle
Livestock Gross Margin - Dairy Cattle
Livestock Risk Protection - Fed Cattle
Livestock Risk Protection - Feeder Cattle
Livestock Risk Protection - Lamb
Nursery (Dollar)
Livestock Risk Protection and Livestock Gross Margin - Swine
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Wyoming
Year Policies Earning Premium
Net Acres Insured
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
2,991  537,498  65,977,433  6,957,936  14,925,461  2.15 
3,968  7,500,588  92,838,898  10,540,960  9,524,521  0.90 
3,726  7,323,092  89,646,142  10,435,169  21,205,564  2.03 
3,625  8,028,891  101,668,349  12,996,955  19,733,159  1.52 
3,565  8,035,272  135,316,298  18,414,657  11,524,291  0.63 
3,069  4,902,893  127,465,344  17,749,714  13,292,650  0.75 
2,779  2,384,500  105,352,229  13,751,908  6,881,262  0.50 
2,648  1,557,562  127,769,986  17,141,176  7,832,476  0.46 
2,548  1,215,854  139,744,647  16,944,414  20,211,602  1.19 
2,521  1,792,857  144,449,136  18,501,174  23,781,018  1.29 
2,437  2,060,121  128,717,718  18,073,728  12,753,082  0.71 
2,299  1,894,812  119,748,699  15,927,808  7,406,432  0.47 
2,148  2,050,659  130,146,260  17,344,837  16,511,002  0.95 
2,072  2,470,837 128,176,632  17,029,788  10,401,686  0.61 
2018  1,968  4,001,920  144,339,756  19,858,965  11,749,379  0.59 

Data current as of February 28, 2019. For current data go to RMA's Summary of Business tool.

Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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