Crops Insured Acres
Total Acres
Percent Insured
Blueberries 287 N/A N/A
Corn 683,907 480,000 *142%
Cotton 591,740 620,000 95%
Grain Sorghum
5,406 4,000 *135%
Oats 250 N/A N/A
Peaches 66 N/A N/A
Peanuts 20,663 25,000 82%
Pecans 1,627 N/A N/A
Rice 139,880 140,000 100%
Soybeans 2,137,557 2,230,000 96%
Wheat 42,843 55,000 78%*
* Higher than normal prevented planted acreage caused insured acres to be greater than planted acres.
Crop Pilot Programs
Program County Availability
Total Liability
Apiculture All Counties $3,753,154
Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle All Counties
Livestock Gross Margin – Swine All Counties
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Fed Cattle
All Counties
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Feeder Cattle
All Counties
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Swine All Counties
Nursery Grower's Price Endorsement
All Counties
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage
All Counties
Whole Farm Revenue Protection
All Counties
Dollar Liability Program
Program Total Dollar Liability
Nursery $6,446,698 
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Mississippi
Year Policies Earning Premium
Net Acres Insured
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
2004 7,794 3,272,658 480,413,342
45,676,692  27,524,338 0.60
2005 7,251 3,202,215 417,315,853 37,378,683  16,483,531 0.44
2006 6,830
3,171,741 467,210,357 44,284,832  47,777,304 1.08
2007 7,893 3,354,444 548,742,138 59,525,804  39,229,269 0.66
2008 8,016 3,518,160 720,019,726 81,658,284  62,439,292 0.76
2009 7,259 3,426,765 799,204,370 98,407,483  122,760,638 1.25
2010 7,387 3,529,375 944,948,211 108,135,051  100,409,518 0.93
2011 8,187 3,564,175 1,354,122,929 155,743,873  155,914,297 1.00
2012 8,228 3,530,790 1,242,807,867 132,658,048  56,228,078 0.42
2013 8,683 3,762,561 1,375,384,922 148,089,584  102,357,696 0.69
2014 8,191 3,722,684 1,212,352,522 119,302,809  66,092,775 0.55
2015 8,241 3,793,647 1,143,822,398 116,027,092  119,216,696 1.03
2016 8,245 3,862,904 1,174,604,691 120,797,458  108,149,001 0.90
2017 7,177 3,573,993 1,225,057,902 126,620,479  79,336,591 0.63
2018 7,517 3,739,743 1,323,758,512 124,847,117  77,478,335 0.62
Data current as of February 20, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.
Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).